January 24, 2024 Archives

UK's David Cameron: Campaign To Degrade Houthi Capability Will Go On

Speaking after the latest strikes against Houthis, who control the most populous parts of Yemen, British foreign minister David Cameron said the action had sent a clear message to the Iran-aligned group. "We will continue to degrade their ability to carry out these attackes while sending the clearest possible message that we back our words and o

Niall Ferguson On The Treason Of Intellectuals

Niall Ferguson is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a senior faculty fellow of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University. In this interview, Ferguson discusses his stunning essay “The Treason of the Intellectuals,” published in December 2023 in the F

Economics Explained: Reuniting North And South Korea Would Be Almost Impossible

On this 'Economics Explained'  video, it explains the economic and political difficulties of North and South Korea reuniting: "North and South Korea may share a common border, a common language, a common history, and even a common name, but economically they are some of the most different countries in the world. Put simply, it would be a si

Kite & Key Media: Why Do Some Countries Get Rich While Others Don’t?

Video by Kite & Key Media on the link between freedom and prosperity for nations. "Why do some countries become fabulously wealthy while others remain trapped in poverty? Research shows that prosperity can happen anywhere … with the right ingredients. In 2022, scholars at the Atlantic Council ranked the world’s countries