June 7, 2023 Archives

Hoover Institution: The Humanitarian Crisis In Sudan And The Looming Threat Of Famine

The Hoover Institution hosted a presentation on the current crisis in Sudan:  "Russia's invasion of Ukraine has disrupted food production and exports and caused a spike in food prices, exposing the fragility of global grain supply. Now, as Sudan, Africa's third-largest country by territory, teeters on the brink of chaos, a humanitari

BBC News: Inside The Taliban's War On Drugs

"Afghanistan’s Taliban leaders have been more successful in cracking down on opium than anyone ever has, a BBC investigation has found. The BBC has travelled to major poppy growing areas and had exclusive access to remote provinces where our journalists have seen that farmers have either not grown opium poppy complying with the Tali

Genereal Petraeus: The Spring Offensive Will Be 'Much More Successful' Than Many Think

Retired four star general David Petraues told DW, that that U.S. intelligence has indications that Russia is responsible for the breach of the dam in southern Ukraine, hoping that this might disrupt or delay the spring offensive. Petraeus expresses optimism about the Ukrainian offensive, highlighting the better training, equipment, and leadershi

Peter Zeihan: Laughing At Russia Won't Solve All Of Ukraine's Problems

Geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan talks about the current situation in the Russo-Ukrainian War:  "While in Helsinki, Secretary of State Blinken got some chuckles from the crowd (and me) when he said, “The Kremlin often claimed it had the second strongest military in the world, and many believed it. Today, many see Russia&rsq