May 31, 2023 Archives

Jaquelyn Schneider: The Promise (And Pitfalls) Of Wargames For Policy

Hoover Institution's video on wargames and the benefits they hold to make policies: "Wargames—interactive events with human players immersed in scenarios and bound by rules—have a long history of influencing policy and are becoming increasingly prevalent. They are used not only for military purposes but also to simulate natural disas

Dalibor Rohac: American Support For The Eastern European Region And The Three Seas Initiative

A conversation with American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Dalibor Rohac and Vanessa Tinker, the topic of which is the American view of the region and possible support of the Three Seas Initiative.  

Vox: The Two Men Who Derailed Sudan's Revolution Into Risk Of Civil War

Vox gives a history on how Sudan's current crisis came about after the military coup against Omar al-Bashir: "On December 19, 2018, protests broke out in small cities throughout Sudan amid an economic crisis, eventually reaching the country's capital, Khartoum. These protests posed the biggest challenge to Sudan's longest-serving dictator

Reuters: Why Ethnic Tensions Are Rising In Northern Kosovo

Recent video by 'Reuters' covering the recent conflict in Kosovo: "Unrest in Kosovo's north has intensified since ethnic Albanian mayors took office in the region's Serb-majority area after April elections boycotted by the Serbs."