Angela Merkel

Story Stream

Germany's Brutal Re-Evaluation of Merkel July 18, 2022

Today large parts of Merkel’s legacy are in ruins. Ukraine is fighting for its survival under a Russian artillery onslaught. Nord Stream 2 is effectively dead. Russia has turned its energy leverage not against Kyiv but against Germany and Europe, thr...

Right Liberalism Loses In Germany October 04, 2021

The preliminary results of the German elections reveal how a political party devoted to right liberalism is unsustainable in the end....

The Merkel Consensus Will Live On September 30, 2021

Germany gets a new chancellor—but the same old foreign policy....

A Post-Merkel Postmortem September 30, 2021

While Angela Merkel pushed the SPD to the left, she vacated so much space on the right that a new political party — the far-right AfD — emerged to take important votes away from the CDU....

Germany Cautiously Steps Into Post-Merkel Future September 29, 2021

After 16 years with Chancellor Angela Merkel at the helm, Germany will be getting a new government. When exactly is anybody’s guess, but it already seems quite likely that it will no longer be led by her center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) and the...

Germany, Merkel and the Danger of Self-Confidence September 29, 2021

Germany held an election to replace Angela Merkel, who led the German government for 16 years – through much of the implementation of the European Union,...

Germany's (Sort Of) Change Election September 28, 2021

BERLIN — The release of one of the first election exit polls showed Germany’s center-left Social Democrats with a slight lead. That was enough to send the crowd at the Willy Brandt Haus, the party’s headquarters in Berlin, into cheers and applause. A...

What Do Germans Want? September 28, 2021

BERLIN — Looks like Germany won’t be saying Auf Wiedersehen to Angela Merkel for a while yet. ...

"I Have Eliminated the ‘West’ from My Vocabulary" September 27, 2021

Christoph Heusgen served for 12 years as Angela Merkel’s top foreign policy adviser. In an interview, he speaks about the chancellor’s successes, mistakes, the amateurish nature of Donald Trump’s government and the right approach to an ascendant Chin...

Angela Merkel's Superpower September 26, 2021

Her 16-year reign is evidence that effective politics doesn't require losing your humanity....

Merkel’s Legacy and Germany's Future September 21, 2021

With Chancellor Angela Merkel stepping down after sixteen years in office, the leadership of Germany, and the EU, is wide open. What is Merkel’s legacy, and what comes next?...

After Merkel September 21, 2021

n june a newly surfaced segment of a German talk show from 1997 set the internet alight. The clip shows Angela Merkel, a fresh-faced environment minister in Helmut Kohl’s government, explaining the urgency of action on climate change. Her fellow pane...

The Post-Merkel Return of German Ideologies September 20, 2021

After years of consensus, a new era of division is set to roil German politics at home and abroad....

Merkel's Legacy: Rise and Stall of German Economy September 20, 2021

How have 16 years of Chancellor Angela Merkel changed Germany? The Chancellor accompanied the country's rise to near economic superpower status — and then progress stalled. On technology and beyond, Germany needs real reforms under Merkel's successor...

Energy Going Into the German Elections September 16, 2021

Germany is getting ready for its federal elections on September 26, known as the easy-to-pronounce Bundestagswahl. This year marks the end of the reign of Angela Merkel, who’s been serving as chancellor since 2005. Her party, the Christian Democratic...

The Slow-Motion Collapse of Merkel's CDU September 16, 2021

Angela Merkel's conservatives could be facing an historical debacle at the polls in this year's election. Their candidate, Armin Laschet, has been anything but inspiring, and his stumbles could have deep consequences for the stability of German polit...

Operation Olaf September 14, 2021

With great strategic foresight and remarkable focus, the Social Democrats’ candidate Olaf Scholz is now leading the race to replace Angela Merkel. What to expect? ...

As Germany Lurches Left, Its Foreign Policy May Turn Right September 08, 2021

The current race to replace Angela Merkel will likely result in an entirely new government, and a chance for more autonomy in defense.  ...

A First Look at Merkel's Legacy September 08, 2021

Angela Merkel's 16 years as German chancellor have been characterized by crisis after crisis, most of them global in nature. Her intellect has been a critical tool in addressing those challenges, but her follow through left a lot to be desired. ...

Why Germany's Red Scare Is Real September 08, 2021

The targets of Merkel’s warning accused her of red-baiting. But even if the usual caveats should be affixed to Merkel’s remarks, that doesn’t mean she’s wrong about the prospects of a leftist government.  ...

How Germany's Free Democratic Party Re-Emerged September 02, 2021

One of the most remarkable stories to come out of Germany in the last year has been the rise of the Free Democratic Party (FDP). Having struggled for relevance in 2020, the party has transformed itself into a political force that could decide the mak...

Merkel Leaves Germany at a Crossroads July 23, 2021

Last week, Angela Merkel came to Washington for what is likely her final visit to the White House as Chancellor of Germany. This was a historic, valedictory moment by any measure. After all, Chancellor Merkel is modern Germany’s longest-serving head ...

U.S. Will Regret This Shameful Appeasement of Russia July 22, 2021

In Europe, the Biden administration’s mantra has been “America is back.” But given Wednesday’s U.S.-German Nord Stream II agreement, a more accurate and honest slogan might be “America is backing away.” The deal shamefully sells out U.S. security int...

The High Political Cost of Russia-Germany Pipeline July 14, 2021

Chancellor Angela Merkel is set to meet the new U.S. president on Thursday, and one issue in particular is weighing on the visit: a new gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea that will deliver Russian gas to Germany. Berlin is seeking to make concessions ...

The Other Side of Angela Merkel July 12, 2021

What the world has misunderstood about the German chancellor....