Reuven Brenner

Reuven Brenner is the author of History – the Human Gamble; Force of Finance, and series of analyses about the Middle East and antisemitism.  A shorter version of this article appeared in


Author Archive

  • Mar 5, 2024
    Bible’s Exodus a good reminder that massive welfare without discipline or restraint bring ennui and mobs looking to false idols  
  • Feb 12, 2024
    There is much talk about “de-radicalization” in Gaza, de-militarization and not allowing Hamas, the Palestinian Authority (PA) or UNRWA to be in charge.   
  • Feb 9, 2024
    There are 8 billion people roaming the planet, up from 1 billion a century ago and 4 billion since 1980. They are more mobile than ever before with technology bringing...