Pondering the Next British Coalition

By Alex Deane
May 04, 2015

With days to go before voters take to the polls in Britain, the parties contesting our election are already looking past May 7, arguing heatedly over the theoretical coalitions they may or may not countenance in the post-election environment. Is this not deeply foolish - akin to a cyclist celebrating before the finishing line, only to see a rival speed past him while he relaxes? You might very well think so; I could not possibly comment.

This is happening because it is very plain that no party will win an overall majority. For a government presiding over the fastest-growing economy in the developed world - an economy that has added 1,000 jobs a day to the workforce right through the government's five years in office - this is naturally deeply disappointing.

But in pure, political campaigning terms, much of what is happening was fully expected.

First, as I have written elsewhere, Labour's ground game (both in terms of party volunteers and union membership) far outstrips that of the Conservatives: Lord Ashcroft's latest poll confirms that more voters have heard from Labour than from the Conservatives in every single red/blue marginal. (One issue to be revisited after the election, by the way, will be the fact that a single peer spends more on political polling than all of the parties put together.) The ground game matters even more in the United Kingdom than it does in the United States, as we lag somewhat behind the U.S. market in digital campaigning.

Secondly, Ed Miliband, leader of the opposition Labour Party, has not had a bad election campaign. Even though Miliband is famous for allegedly looking odd and for more than allegedly seeming awkward, this also is not much of a surprise. Miliband in fact is a seasoned politician - a former minister and special adviser who knows how to campaign - and besides, expectations started so low that they were impossible not to exceed.

A final consideration: Ancient electoral boundaries that are so unfair as to verge on undemocratic, remain in force.

These factors, taken together, are set to deliver another hung parliament, hence the premature horsetrading. To wit, here is a partial roundup of present commitments, assertions and claims being made about the politics of the post-election period by the various parties and players:





Make of any of that what you will. It looks like a hung parliament is coming. In those circumstances, what is all the pre-election verbiage worth? Well, consider the example of Vince Cable - a wily minister who in the last Parliament claimed that his party had not broken their promise on university tuition fees: The pledge was in their manifesto, but they had not won the election at which it was offered, had they? How's that for a "get out of jail free" card?


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