George Friedman Geopolitical Futures
Mark Galeotti Spectator World
Jamie Dettmer Politico EU
Alan J. Kuperman The Hill
Ivana Stradner The Telegraph
Simon Tisdall The Guardian
Loqman Radpey Geopolitical Monitor
Michael Rubin 19FortyFive
Gordon L. Weil RealClearWorld
Biddle & Labs Foreign Affairs
Conrad Black Brussels Signal
Maya Krainc Responsible Statecraft
William Upton National Pulse
Wolff & Malyarenko Asia Times
Dennis Ross Foreign Affairs
Brendan O'Neill Spectator World
Pieter Cleppe The European Conservative
Beaver & Gustafson RealClearDefense
Justin Riemer RealClearWorld
Council on Foreign Relations
Center for Strategic and International Studies