Germany Should Shake Off the Greens and SPD

From all indications, the proposed fiscal agreement in Germany between the Christian Democrats (CDU-CSU) and the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens is an inadequate approach to correct the chronic errors of the entire post-Schroeder era, (and only starts after Gerhard Schroeder because he did rather courageously roll back the sumptuous German welfare system). And it is a prospective agreement between the wrong contractants. The Greens should have no more influence in German public life and not one more pfennig should be consecrated to the nonsense about climate change. The enthusiasm for deregulation and the belated recognition that Germany’s formerly powerhouse auto industry has been regulated into a distressed state are commendable. But a formal or informal coalition of precisely the elements that dragged Germany down to its present stagnant and parlous economic condition is not a believable source for the radical changes that will be necessary to capitalise on the great skill and proverbial diligence of the German workforce.


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