Americans Owe Ukraine Nothing

Harvard professor Graham Allison, famous for his theory of the “Thucydides Trap,” which posits that a rising global power will challenge the existing global leader for preeminence, writes in The National Interest that the United States owes Ukraine and its courageous people much more than the $75 billion in military and non-military assistance we have provided in the last two years for Ukraine’s weakening of Russia’s military threat to Europe for at least a decade. All of that, Allison cheers, “[w]ithout the loss of a single American soldier.” Never mind the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians who have suffered and died as a result of a war that Allison and others in the U.S. and Europe apparently want to continue until Russia leaves Ukrainian territory. And Allison chides Republicans in the House of Representatives who oppose “essential assistance to Ukraine” for trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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