Time to Give the UN Some Competition

Time to Give the UN Some Competition
(Kena Betancur/Pool Photo via AP)

The United Nations was a bold and idealistic experiment when it was founded in 1945. It has become a senile, inefficient, and corrupt shadow of its former self. It is time to begin thinking of a replacement. A new organization that bonds the free nations should be created. This organization's initial aim would be to supplement the United Nations, and only later to supplant it. It should be foremost a partnership of nations that are democratic in practice, and not just in name. Second, it should welcome the free market's spirit, creativity, and flexibility, rather than the heavy hand of venal and inefficient state-owned enterprises. Finally, it should embrace the rule of law, a free press and media, free elections, and freedom of religion and association as cornerstones of genuine democracy. Let's call this new body The Democratic Nations (DN).

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