Polish Deterrence With Russia in Line of Sight

For Poland, nuclear weapons are an important factor in international relations which can be neither ignored nor wished away. Poland has been an active member of the NPT and other nonproliferation treaties and regimes, having chaired, for example, the 2018 Session of the Preparatory Committee of the NPT Review Conference. Unsurprisingly, it considers complete nuclear disarmament to be the ultimate goal for the international community. At the same time, it has consistently taken the position that disarmament has to be achieved step-by-step, and not through unilateral disarmament of Western countries. Warsaw recognizes the value of nuclear deterrence as an instrument contributing to strategic stability, including between Russia and NATO. Nuclear deterrence is not an ideal or "fit-for-all-threats" approach, but - together with conventional deterrence and arms control it does play a role in preventing nuclear and large-scale conventional war in Europe.


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