A Dictator's Guide to Libyan Intervention

A Dictator's Guide to Libyan Intervention

One year ago, Moammar Gadhafi's Libya was being praised for its efforts to become a responsible stakeholder in the international system. Meanwhile, Gadhafi's children, especially his son Saif al-Islam, were being cultivated as the best hope for initiating a process of political and economic reform, so that Libya might replicate the path blazed by Taiwan, where another dynastic transfer of power from father to son led to democratization. Indeed, Gadhafi's son Khamis was in the United States on a professional internship when the current crisis broke out. He was quickly recalled to take command of the 32nd Reinforced Brigade of the Armed People, described as the best-trained and equipped unit within the Libyan military and security forces, and a key element in the regime's efforts to retain power.

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