Best World Opinion Sites of 2013

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Global Public Square

CNN's Global Public Square has evolved from a modest CNN blog designed to compliment the weekly show of the same name into an engaging forum for international opinion from a range of leading foreign policy thinkers and opinion makers. "We don't just want visiting GPS to be a passive experience for readers," said editor Jason Miks. "We also look to engage viewers and readers by giving them the chance to pose questions to leading thinkers on current issues. Readers have had the chance to get Richard Dawkins' take on religion, Anthony Bourdain's view on the world's best dining city and CNN correspondents' takes on the big issues of the day." The site is anchored by one of America's leading foreign affairs commentators, Fareed Zakaria, who provides a steady dose of insight and clips from his show, as well as original commentary. But GPS also plays host to a number of analysts and writers who shed light on the world's big stories as they happen, with longer-form analysis that goes beyond the quick news bites. Regular contributors, such as Bruce Stokes of the Pew Research Center, have helped readers better understand trends in global public opinion. Whenever a story breaks, you can be sure that GPS will have something of value to offer the reader in search of deeper insights. 2013 Keeper: "Why Turks Are So Angry"

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