Positive Russian Response to Hagel-Hart Paper

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Russian political establishment is reviewing the Hagel-Hart initiative on Russia, outlined on March 16 in Washington, DC. "The position outlined in the report is very sound - even more robust than might be expected of any American group," Fyodor Lukyanov, chief editor of the magazine Russia in Global Affairs told Izvestia daily paper. "Here, we have the opinions of the 'realist school,' the most 'pro-Russian' part of the establishment. It's not that these people are so fond of Russia - they simply believe that America needs a pragmatic approach to all issues.

"Their view contrasts sharply with the position of the previous administration, which combined ideology and arrogance, thus disrespecting the real value of Russia in world affairs. Its very important that what is recommended is the removal from the bilateral agenda the two issues of most annoyance to Moscow - the expansion of NATO in the post-Soviet space and the deployment of missile defense elements in Eastern Europe. But this is only one approach, and it will never be taken up in its pure form."

Lukyanov further states: "The U.S. foreign policy towards any country - including Russia - is a result of many intersecting interests. And even if Obama, Hillary Clinton and other 'interested parties' agree with the truth of these expert findings, they still have to adopt them in an ideological environment that is acceptable to the public, in order to avoid the impression that the new administration has 'retreated' on a given issue. In America, there are enough politicians, especially among the Republicans, who only wait for the moment to reproach Obama that he exhibited signs of weakness."

Yevgeny Bendersky is the Senior Strategic Advisor for International Operations at Jenkins Hill International, LLC and a RealClearWorld contributor.
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